‘To learn to read is to light a fire.’ Victor Hugo
Reading forms the backbone of everything we do at St. Matthew’s. We understand that the ability to read not only opens doors in this world, but also to many others.
We prioritise the teaching of this most fundamental skill right from the moment your child walks through our nursery door. We ignite a spark and a curiosity through well planned lessons and through an immersive text rich environment.
Below, you can find links to our progression document for reading at St. Matthew’s, as well as information about how we prioritise and promote reading within our community.
You can also find links to videos and websites that explain some of the different approaches that we use in school.
#TuckedUpThursday has become a huge part of our drive to instil a love of reading and storytelling in the St. Matthew’s community. Our 12 hour story marathon in February 2021 was a great example of this. we invited a host of authors to run workshops with the children including: Gabrielle Kent, Helen Stephens, Piers Torday, Sue Hendra and Phil Linnett, Ross Welford and Jenny Pearson!

Reading Breakfasts @SMP

Every month, one of our classes hosts a Reading Breakfast. Parents and families are invited into school to join us for a morning of exploring and celebrating books. We use these well attended events to inspire and enthuse reading and we look to build a strong dialogue between families focused on discussing books of all kinds.