Diversity and inclusion are about giving value to every human being, no matter our differences.
A feeling of belonging to a truly diverse and inclusive community can only be achieved when, as a collective, we are committed to rethinking, reframing, and reconstructing our curriculum and by constantly challenging our individual beliefs and level of satisfaction with the status-quo.
Our curriculum is planned in a very deliberate way, in order to achieve the following goals:
- A school community that consumes and celebrates a breadth of literature that does not always elevate one voice, one experience of the world, or one way of being in the world.
- A school community that considers how different frameworks, traditions and knowledge projects can inform each other, how multiple voices can be heard, and how new perspectives emerge from mutual learning.
- A collaborative school community that recognises there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.
- Pupils and staff who are empowered to think about how things can be done differently and feel they can enact positive change.
A truly diverse and inclusive school community is one that recognises that any knowledge could and should be open to challenge and question. At St. Matthew’s we are passionate about ensuring that we create a climate of dignity, respect and security for all.
Fratelli Tutti - overcoming divisions and working towards peace
A New Chapter - diversity and inclusion in literature...
Recently, we entered into a partnership with online bookstore ‘A New Chapter’ which specialises in the provision of diverse and inclusive literature. By clicking on the image opposite/below, you can see our DEIB wishlist from which you can purchase books that we feel would enrich our growing library. As you know, funding pressures in schools are great, so your support in providing high quality reading resources is invaluable.