The things we do...
St. Matthew’s is an outward facing school. This means that we are committed to supporting charitable causes and social justice projects, both within our local community and further afield.
Over the last year, our school community has generously supported the emerging refugee crisis in Eastern Europe and during Lent we participated in CAFOD’s ‘Walk Against Hunger’ fundraiser to support overseas development. Closer to home , we have ongoing foodbank collections and we work closely with partners in the Prudhoe community on a range of charitable and goodwill projects.
In school, prayer and liturgy are central to our daily routine. Sometimes, this can take the form of a simple meditation or sometimes we invite parents and parishioners into school to share in the breaking open of the gospels. Visits to our beautiful parish church for Mass and visits from our parish priest, Father Michael are a constant feature in our everyday life at St. Matthew’s.
Although we are a Catholic school, we have strong links with other Christian faith groups and organisations in the local area. We are regular visitors to Mary Magdalene Parish Church and we also welcome the ‘Open the Book’ team into school on a monthly basis. Visits to other world faith centres also form part of a rounded education. In recent times, our children have visited Newcastle’s central synagogue and mosque.
Every year, our Year 6 children are commissioned as Mini Vinnies – an offshoot of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. As well as visiting and singing for the elderly in our local care homes, our Mini Vinnies are proactive in supporting lots of charitable causes. This year, they have coordinated the school’s Operation Christmas Child appeal.

In recent years, St. Matthew’s has become a hub within the diocese for youth faith events. We have hosted The Event on two occasions now, providing a warm and welcoming space for in excess of 150 children aged 9-13 to explore and celebrate their faith.
The school is also a big supporter of the Emmaus Youth Village. Every year, our Year 4 children visit for two nights as part of their sacramental preparation and in the summer, our Year 6 children enjoy being part of the Diocesan Youth Festival.

A Year of Lifesong
Throughout this liturgical year, we are celebrating our Year of Lifesong. Commencing in December 2022, each month leading up to Advent 2023, will be a celebration of one of the graces we ask God for in our daily Lifesong prayer. The ability to LOVE other, to INSPIRE others, to FORGIVE others, to EMPOWER others, to SHARE with others, to OVERCOME difficulties together, to NEVER SETTLE for second best and to GROW in love together.
In 2022/23, we will be aiming to live our Lifesong as best we can in the words we say and the things we do.