Our Mission
At St. Matthew’s we encourage all members of our school community to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. We talk about our life journey as our ‘Lifesong’ and we encourage each other to live out the message of Jesus through ‘the words we say and the things we do.’

Lifesong Legacies
Every month, we explore and celebrate the lives of people who sing their Lifesong by walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Look at the slides below to find out about who has been the focus of our Lifesong Legacies assemblies.
Lifesong Latest...
Pilgrims of Hope

In January, we embarked on a pilgrimage of hope in celebration of the jubilee year called by Pope Francis. Every child was given a candle to treasure throughout the year as a reminder of the light Christ shines in their hearts, and of the light that they can shine for others by living their Lifesong.
Living Simply
We are excited to be working towards our Living Simply Award alongside schools across our diocese. Over the coming months, we will be working on a number of projects to live more sustainably and in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world.

Lent 2024

We have enjoyed a beautiful Lenten season in school this year. Our ReLENTless treadmill challenge has been central to our fundraising efforts as we looked to support Cafod’s Big Lent Walk in our unique SMP way!
Our oldest children also joined with year 7 and 8 children from across our partnership to celebrate our LENT EVENT – a fantastic night of faith and friendship!

Advent 2024

We are delighted to be supporting people throughout the region during Advent. This year, we are colelcting food for Feeding Families, as well as items for the Miner’s Lamp. Thank you to everyone for your wonderful generosity and spirit. #LifesongSMP

Lifesong in Jerusalem
We were delighted to recently receive a beautiful video from one of our grandparents who regularly visits the Holy land. Following on from a live stream visit to the burial site of Christ last year, we were overwhelmed to see our school Lifesong prayer being posted into the western wall in Jerusalem. It is so reassuring to know that our prayers for the children and community of St. Matthew’s are being offered up in such special places. Thank you so much to Cleland for this special gesture. #LifesongSMP
Lent 2023

Lent is a hugely important season in the Christian calendar and at St. Matthew’s, we treasure the time that we spend together preparing for the great celebration of Easter.
This year, we have focused our attention on supporting people both in our local community (by supporting the Miner’s Lamp Café) and those further afield in Bangladesh for Cafod’s annual appeal.
In school, we have tried to fix our minds on the Easter message through different liturgies and celebrations. Our Year 3 children brought our spring term to a beautiful climax when they shared their Easter story with us all. You can see some pictures of this below.

Advent 2022
For the last three years, the children and staff of St. Matthew’s have created content for an interactive Advent calendar. Last year, we raised in excess of £500 for Shelter and this year, we are hoping to support a wonderful local charity called Feeding Families. Click on the logo opposite for more information, and be sure to return here every day through Advent to enjoy a collection of songs, stories, prayers and reflections to help you to prepare for Christmas. If you like what you see, then please donate to Feeding Families via the school’s Facebook page.