All Are Welcome
On behalf of Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust, our local governing committee and our staff, I extend to you a very warm welcome to our school.
We are a Catholic school serving the parish of Our Lady and St. Cuthbert, the community of Prudhoe and its surrounding areas. We welcome all children regardless of faith background and we endeavour to provide a first class education provided in a deeply caring and nurturing setting.
Our School
‘Childhood is not preparation for life, childhood is life.’
The modern world is always in such a hurry and naturally we all feel anxious to ensure our children are prepared for adulthood and the challenges that it brings. At St. Matthew’s, we want to ensure that, as well as preparing them for their futures, our children are enabled to feel present so that they can enjoy every single day of their school experience. Our aim is that as they look back in the future, they really believe it when they say, ‘they were the happiest days of our lives’.
As well as ensuring that our children are academically prepared for the next step in their educational journey, we are passionate about ensuring our children’s school days truly are ‘the happiest days’ of their lives.
Our ‘childhood curriculum’ is designed to ensure all our children leave St. Matthew’s with a breadth of experiences, designed and delivered to build character developing key life skills, and to ignite a passion for life long learning.
Our curriculum is based on five cornerstones which underpin every lesson, every interaction, and every experience our children participate in during their time at St. Mathew’s. Our curriculum is designed to: build confidence, develop communication, encourage creativity, embrace challenge and produce global citizens who will enact positive change.
Parents' Hub
At St. Matthew’s, we pride ourselves on the strength of the relationships built between home and school. We recognise that St. Matthew’s is an extension of your children’s home and as such, we aim to create a loving, happy and welcoming environment, in which all members of the family feel supported and can flourish.
In our Parent Hub section, you can find out all of the important information that you need to make your life just that little bit easier!

I feel extremely blessed and privileged to be leading this wonderful school which has served the people of Prudhoe for almost 150 years.
As is often said, the ‘proof is in the pudding’ so if our website doesn’t provide you with everything you need to know about us, then please come along for a visit. I would be delighted to show you around.
Bright Blessings!
Mr. Martin Gray

I feel extremely blessed and privileged to be leading this wonderful school which has served the people of Prudhoe for almost 150 years.
As is often said, the ‘proof is in the pudding’ so if our website doesn’t provide you with everything you need to know about us, then please come along for a visit. I would be delighted to show you around.
Bright Blessings!
Mr. Martin Gray
You can keep up to date with what is going on at St. Matthew’s by following us on X (Twitter) using the handle @StMatthews1875 or by searching for #LifesongSMP

31st January, 2022
You can keep up to date with what is going on at St. Matthew’s by following us on Twitter using the handle @StMatthews1875 or by searching for #LifesongSMP
May the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to you
At St. Matthew’s we always encourage our children to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. We talk about our Lifesong – how do our words and actions bring smiles to the face of God and the people that we meet?
Lord I give my life
A living sacrifice
To reach a world in need
To be your hands and feet
We are proud to be an outward-facing school. We care deeply for our local and global communities and we are passionate about doing God’s work on earth.

May the words I say
And the things I do
Make my Lifesong sing
Bring a smile to You
At St. Matthew’s we always encourage our children to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. We talk about our Lifesong – how do our words and actions demonstrate love for our neighbours and give glory to God.
Lord I give my life
A living sacrifice
To reach a world in need To be your hands and feet.
We are proud to be an outward-facing school. We care deeply for our local and global communities and we are passionate about building God’s kingdom.
Follow us on Facebook @StMatthewsPrudhoe or by searching:
May the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to you
At St. Matthew’s we always encourage our children to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. We talk about our Lifesong – how do our words and actions bring smiles to the face of God and the people that we meet?
Lord I give my life
A living sacrifice
To reach a world in need
To be your hands and feet
We are proud to be an outward-facing school. We care deeply for our local and global communities and we are passionate about doing God’s work on earth.